Friday, January 8, 2010

Parents are Natural Healers

There is such love inside a mother’s heart, a father’s heart that it could make a mountain move if it were necessary to protect their child. There is a power to create and transform that awakens when one becomes a mother or father. Such power, and capacity to dream giving the best to our little ones, can do much more than that. It can go beyond our imagination and actually help and accelerate the healing process in the infant.
Every cell in our body is connected to them. So imagine 5 millions of cells in your body with the capacity to connect talk and give orders to the other 5 millions of cell in your son or daughter.
So if your child if sick, low of energy, in a bad mode or other, you may apply the energy transformation principle and change the condition they are going trough into a more positive one.
Every child is a Spirit who previously chose you as a mother and father. It happened before they were conceived. So, their Spirit is a powerful particle of energy sent to your life to grow into our bodies in order to fulfill a mission on this transitory path of life. This particle of energy materializes itself with the conception process and start the magic of life. The most beautiful baby is born, but beyond that beauty is a Spirit who brings all the universe knowledge, a mission to develop, a path to go trough, and characteristics to become his or her personality in order to accomplish the mission, the purpose.
When we become aware who they really are as energy, and we see our selves as energy too, then we can modify the way energy behaves. If it is an illness, which is a primary an emotional or mental condition expressed trough the body, then we can change the vibration frequency of their emotional, mental, energetically and physical circumstances.

Wait until your child is asleep, sit close to him/her and place your hands on your lap. Make yourself feel harmonious by doing simple breathing cycles and not attending other thoughts in your mind. Ask for divine guidance and cosmic rays energy to nurture your child’s CHI. Express your sincere intentions about healing the body that lies next to you.
Wait a couple of minutes and concentrate all your thoughts in the energy you are receiving. Then place your hands over the child´s body without touching it. Breath, relax and do the mantram Om, softly three to five times. Leave your hands for other more minutes and relax your hands over your lap again. Repeat the process again. The bigger love you feel for your child, the harder you should try your concentration and after a couple of times you will start feeling the energy flowing through your hands! Enjoy the experience, love the results!

Sri Yanimananda

Toddlers do mantrams!

If a child does a short session of mantras daily they will reduce anxiety, grumpiness, and crying periods. While our toddler developed new brain connections every day, a lot of feelings modify their chakra vibrations. Just the excitement of learning the language produces lots anxiety. Ajna(communications chakra) and Anahata (love chakra) change the vibration cycle every time they get nutty about not expressing verbally what they are already thinking. And that happen over and over during a single day. But if we teach them to do mantrams and practice them during the day every time you feel they need it, the anxiety rate will decrease significantly in your child and you will notice it immediately.
How to do it?
Tell them to do the mantram Om three times in the morning and three times at night at least. Help them take a basic meditation position and do the mantrams with them. In short time they will enjoy it and you will enjoy more looking at them producing such beautiful sound with vibrations that will resound in the universe.
It is so easy to do and that single step may change their day!
My child is just 2 ½ and she is being doing mantrams before she was speaking. Sometimes she close her eyes, sometimes she don’t, but she does the most beautiful happy faces. If those mantrams make them to show happiness it is because it is much more what is happening inside them. Chakras Anahata and Ajna are now back on track!

With love,
Sri Yanimananda